Newsletter 17/8/2023
From the Principal:
Last week our Grade 5 & 6’s gathered together with students from all our schools in the north to recognise and celebrate the impact and influence that out Catholic schools make in our schools and the wider communities. Catholic Education Week provides a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the strengths and achievements of all our 38 Catholic schools in Tasmania alongside all of the people who contribute to Catholic Education Tasmania’s ongoing success.
The theme for 2023 ‘Arise and go!’ inspires us to reflect on the journey of life that we are all on. We are all called to arise and make a positive impact in the lives of others. As Catholics, this journey begins and ends with God. Each moment on that journey is a chance to come to know and love God, who has been revealed to us in Jesus. We can feel God’s presence when we pray, when we spend time with loved ones, in nature, in moments of joy and when we come together as a community to celebrate God’s love at Mass. As we walk along our journey, God is with us every step of the way.
Every Catholic school seeks to help students along their journey, nurturing their gifts and talents. Each student is a reflection of God with the potential to make society a kinder and more just place for all.
Last week and every week, Catholic schools celebrate the unique contribution our schools make to the lives of our students, community and Church. As we journey together, may we always be inspired by the Holy Spirit to be all that God made us to be. May we talk together in faith and love.

Assembly Award Winners:

Science Week:
On Tuesday our students celebrated National Science Week by participating in a variety of activities. These activities included investigating force on objects, making binary bracelets and creating film canister rockets. The students and staff thoroughly enjoyed the activities and the opportunity to interact with others students from different grades.

Premier's Reading Challenge:
Just a reminder to all students that we are almost at the end of the challenge, with only 2 weeks to go!
If you have already completed your goal you are welcome to return the booklet to your class teacher at any time. They are to be handed in no later than the 15th of September.
Happy Reading!

Book Week:
Book Week commences next week. There will be a Costume Parade on Wednesday 23rd August at 9:30am in the Hall. Families are welcome to attend.

Devonport Eisteddfod:
On Wednesday 30th August students from Prep-Grade 6 will be travelling to Devonport to compete at the Devonport Eisteddfod. This will be held at the Devonport Town Hall Theatre. Parents/Carers are most welcome to attend. Tickets can be purchased online via the theatre website.

Father's Day Stall:

Friday Sport 19/8/2023:
Our Lady of Mercy students will be travelling to Longford on Friday to play Football and Netball.

Meander Valley Netball Association: