FYI 22/6/2023
Important Dates:
- Deloraine High School to visit Grade 5/6, 2pm Monday 26th June.
- Premiers Reading Challenge begins. Week commencing 26th June.
- International Mud Day, Kinder-Grade 2, Tuesday 27th.
- On Country trip to Tulampanga/Alum Cliffs, Grade 3/4 28th June.
- Learning Expo, 29th June from 2:30-3:30pm. ALL PARENTS INVITED.
- Friday Sport, OLOM vs Bracknell/Mole Creek. Friday 30th June, games start at 12:30pm.
- Parent Teacher interviews for those who require one, 3rd/4th/5th July.
- Appointments available after the Learning Expo.
- Country Gold try out day, 7th July at Hagley Farm School, 12:00pm start.
- Last Day of Term 7th July.
Learning Expo 29/6/23:
Children's University:
Children's University have some activities on through the holidays for your children to enjoy.