FYI 11/5/2023
Mercy Crew News:
Last term the Mercy Crew held an Easter Raffle to raise funds for Caritas Australia. This organisation is an aid agency working to eradicate poverty and injustice in Australia.
Thank you to all families who supported this raffle and to the P&F for supplying prizes. As a school community we raised $268.00.

Children's University 2023:
Could all students please bring their Passport to Learning back to Miss Donohoe by Monday 15th May please. Could parents please write down any 2023 activities and the month. I will then transfer this information into your child’s passport and stamp it.
If there is anyone else interested in being part of Children’s University then please let me know asap.
Miss Donohoe

Friday Sport:
Friday sport starts this week. Just a reminder that all footballers require a mouth guard to play and football socks are available to purchase for $10.00 at the school office. This week students will travel to Hagley for football and netball. Mr Morrison and Miss Mills will be attending with students.
Pied Piper School Photos:
School photos have been rescheduled for Tuesday 30th May.
Parents are still able to order school photos using the QR code attached or you can order from the website. If you missed the cut off date for ordering family photos but would still like to order then please advise the school office.
Mother's Day:
Wishing all the mothers and special women in our lives a beautiful day on Sunday. We hope you enjoy time with your loved ones.
We are thinking of those families in our community who find this day difficult and send our love and prayers to you. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Donations for Deloraine House:
We are currently accepting donations of sanitary and non-perishable grocery items for Deloraine House. Items can be sent in with children or dropped off at the school office. Thank you.

Deloraine Auskick 2023: