Newsletter 23/3/2023
From the Principal:
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week we have had the privilege of hosting Mitch aka Peter Mitchell the creator of MJR (Making Jesus Real) and SOJ (Spirit of Jesus) programs and Marty Ogle one of the many people who travel Tasmania and Australia promoting and supporting and encouraging teachers work in these programs.
All children across the school from Kindergarten to Grade 6 have spent time working and listening with one or both of these gentlemen as they put their energy and enthusiasm for living in Jesus' footsteps into practical examples and simple actions for all of our children.
Mitch’s message and the prayer he shared with the children says it all for us as adults too.
Jesus has no body now in 2023 but mine.
He prays through me
Works through me
Looks through my eyes
Listens through my ears
Speaks to others through my words
Works through my hands
Walks through my feet
And loves through my heart. St Teresa of Avila (1515- 1582)
Mitch left me with a note that encourages us to focus on the simplest of actions to be the Spirit of Jesus (SOJ).
SOJ is in the little things we do and say everyday…that helps to make someone’s day every day.
SOJ is in the way we Greet, Treat and especially the way we Speak to people.
If it is to be….it is up to me.
Keep feeding the positive Spirit within you day and night.
Kindest Regards
My New Gallery
Holy Week:
Holy Week is especially significant and sacred as it recalls the last week of Jesus’ life in
preparation for his death and resurrection. Easter is the most important time of the year
for our Church as we celebrate the gift of new life given to us through the sacrifice of
Father Ben and members of the Meander Valley Catholic Parish warmly invite all students and their families to:
Saturday Vigil Mass, 1st April
6.00pm Mass
Holy Redeemer, Deloraine
Children are invited to be part of the procession. Children are encouraged to
bring palm fronds or green leaves to wave during the procession.
Mass will be followed by supper at Our Lady of Mercy.
Palm Sunday Mass, 2nd April
9.00am Palm Sunday Mass
Holy Trinity, Westbury
Children are invited to be part of the procession. Children are encouraged to
bring palm fronds or green leaves to wave during the procession.
Holy Thursday, 6th April
Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Holy Trinity, Westbury, 7:30 pm
Good Friday, 7th April
The Passion of the Lord
Holy Trinity, Westbury, 3:00 pm
Easter Saturday, 8th April
The Easter Vigil
Holy Trinity, Westbury, 7:30 pm
Easter Sunday, 9th April
Sunday Mass of the Resurrection
Holy Redeemer, Deloraine, 9:00 am
All are welcome!
Anzac Day Service:
Our school will be represented at the Deloraine ANZAC Day Parade. We encourage all students to attend the march and commemoration. Students are to assemble at the Tranex (old Deloraine Aged Care) building by 10.30 am where Miss Donohoe and Miss Murray will be waiting.
Students are requested to wear full winter uniform, Kinder students to wear rugby jumper and track pants.
Parents of younger students can collect them before the ceremony starts after all groups have marched to the Cenotaph. Please inform Miss Donohoe or Miss Murray when you leave your child that you will be collecting them at this time. Other students can be collected after the ceremony; the usual practice is for all students to join the guard of honour for our returned servicemen and women and be collected after this.
We encourage as many students as possible to be part of this important service.
Kind regards,
Michelle Donohoe and Dianne Murray
Colour Fun Run:
Get your colour on, we are hosting a Colour Explosion School Fun Run fundraiser!
The Colour Explosion School Fun Run will be on Thursday 6th April from 11:30am to 1:30pm.
Not only are we hosting an awesome explosion event, students can win up to 15 awesome automated incentive prizes by fundraising via online sponsorship donations.
Students have received a sponsorship book with instructions on setting up their cybersafe, online fundraising profile at This is an entirely online fundraiser; all cash donations must be converted to online donations to redeem your prizes.
P&F are fundrasining for indoor and outdoor equipment for the school, that children have requested.
Extra Incentives to Fundraise!
- Online Golden Coins – complete fun online tasks to redeem an extra $75 towards your prize credit.
- Monty the Monstar’s Bonus Prizes – achieve milestones to unlock Monty’s bonus prizes.
- $10,000 JB HI FI Spending Spree for one organisation’s highest fundraising student – it could be you!
- Our school will win an extra $5,000 if we have the highest average fundraised amount per student in 2023.
- A Play Station 5 Gaming Bundle – see your child’s sponsorship booklet for more!
For more information, please contact Bron on 0431 645 153.
Happy fundraising.
My New Gallery
Caritas Easter Raffle:
My New Gallery
Winter Uniform Sale:
We have a SALE on fleece lined school jackets.
Limted sizes.
Size 8, 10 and 1 size 14 available at a reduced price of $30.00.
Upcoming Dates:
Week 9
Tuesday 28/3
Grade 1 & 2 excursion on Country with Uncle Hank.
Wednesday 29/3
Ditto's Keep Safe Adventure Program for K-2 students.
Prep Liturgy at 11:30am.
Grade 5/6 Camp to Port Authur.
Thursday 30/3
Grade 5/6 Camp to Port Authur.
Friday 31/3
Grade 5/6 Camp to Port Authur.
Week 10
Monday 3/4
Northern Midlands Athletics Carnival.
Thursday 6/4
Holy Week Liturgy in the school hall.
Colour Fun Run & Sausage Sizzle.
Caritas Easter Raffle Drawn.