Newsletter 9 February 2023
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to the 2023 school year!
It has been wonderful to see so many happy children walk through our gates at the start and end of each day full of energy and enthusiasm.
We welcome the following students and our new families and know that you will make them feel welcome in the community. Oliver and Mark Gr 4, Parker and Ava Gr 2 and our Kinder students; Summer, Felix, Evie, Lanner, Lila, Simon, Riley, Rheya, Harper, Ella, Jasmine, Maci, Ella, Henry, Layken and Clyde. We also welcome new staff, Mrs Debrah Jones in Gr 2, Mrs Bianca Lange Prep, Mr Chris Morrison Gr 5/6 and Mrs Jacquie Wood in Kindergarten.
Class teachers and our wonderful support staff have been busy preparing learning environments ready for the school year over the past few weeks. I thank them for their hard work and dedication. Teachers have sent home letters with information in regards to classroom structures, routines and means of communication.
Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to catching up with all members of the school community over the coming weeks and at our Welcome back to school BBQ next Thursday evening 5-7pm.
Kind regards,
Student Leaders
Congratulations to our Student Leaders for 2023.
School Captains: Tess Leguis & Virgil Quiapo
Beechinor House Captains: Charlotte Badcock & Emme Keegan
Monaghan House Captains: Tyler Arnold & Annabel Gunton
Walsh House Captains: Jessica Kearon & Liam Sloan
Mobile Phones
All student phones are to be left in the office at the start of each day and collected when the bell goes at the end of the day. If your child is bringing a phone to school can you please let the office staff know.
Goal Setting Meetings
During Week 3 parents will have the opportunity to speak or meet with each child’s teacher. These meetings are an opportunity for teachers to get to know students a little better and to form strong positive relationships between home and school in order to assist with the direction of each child’s learning. An invitation will be sent out via Compass. Parents may choose to either meet in person or via a phone call at your preferred time. Please remember to keep the school informed of any events that might be impacting a child’s learning and participation at school throughout the year. Teachers are always available to meet with parents or to communicate over the phone or via email.
Swimming Lessons
Our Water Safety Program has begun well. Swimming gear for all students will be required on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next week also.
Scholastic Book Club
The latest catalogue was sent home yesterday and closes on Friday, February 24. Ordering can be done online or sent to the office.
Mrs Bowman is again running the Book Club for the school and we thank her for her time and effort.
Welcome BBQ
Our Welcome BBQ will be held on Thursday, February 16 from 4.00pm to 7.30pm. Sausages, hamburgers and some drinks provided. Any other drinks are BYO. Everyone welcome, please RSVP through the Compass Event or contact the office with numbers of sausages and hamburgers required.
Staff Movements
Katie Gardner, after 13 years of service to our school, will be leaving next Tuesday to take up working for our Catholic Education Office. While we are very sad to be losing Katie, she has a wonderful opportunity to look after all our northern schools in her new role as Work, Health and Safety Officer.
Katie has been an integral part of our school and we look forward to welcoming her back in her new role.
Our Parents and Friends will be running the Canteen again this year. Information and menus will be sent home soon. If any families would like to assist, your help would be greatly appreciated. Helpers will need their WWVP Card and the completion of an online food handling course.
Ready, Set, Read! Parent Workshop
On Wednesday, March 8, we will be hosting a workshop for parents and caregivers of children from pre-school up to Grade 2. The workshop will examine how parents can help their children become successful readers.
The workshop will take place in the OLM School Hall from 1.45pm until 2.45pm. If you are keen to attend, please RSVP to Mrs Weare at If you cannot find childcare for siblings at this time, please let us know and we will organise supervision.