FYI 22/08/2024
Rainbows Program:

The Rainbows Program is designed for children grieving a death, family change, or any other significant loss.
It is a chance to chat about any emotions they are experiencing and find ways to cope with some of these changes in groups - early childhood, lower primary, middle primary, and upper primary.
Please find the letter attached, or we have a hard copy at the school office.
Kind regards,
Ms Mary Bennett
Children's University:
More wonderful learning opportunities for our Children's University students. See Information below.

Premier's Reading Challenge.
Just a reminder could students please return their Reading Challenge Log Books next week.

Father's Day Stall
There will be a Father's Day Stall held next Friday 30th August. Students will be able to purchase a gift for that special person in their life.

Book Week Gallery:
Thank you to all the Parents, Grandparents and friends that came to have a look at our Annual Book Week Parade.
It was wonderful to see so many costumes using items that students already had and a little imagination.

ADHD Mythbusters:
If you have any questions regarding this article, please feel free to contact our Student Support Coordinator
Mrs Clare Weare.

Positive Psychology Parent Evening:

Upcoming Events: