FYI 8/8/2024
School Opening Hours:
Just a friendly reminder that children should not be arriving at school before 8:30am. Staff are busy preparing for the day ahead or helping out at Breakfast Club etc. and are not able to provide supervision. Please utilise before and after school care providers.
Bus Stop Time Zone:
Please be advised that the bus stop outside the senior classrooms is now no parking until 9:30am. Council will be replacing signs very soon.
Tool Skool Incursion:
Tool Skool for Kids will be coming to visit our students on Monday 12th August to do wood work activities.

Catholic Education Week:
Grade 5 and 6 will represent our school at the Catholic Education Week Mass at St Thomas Mores, Wednesday 14th August. Full Winter Uniform is to be worn. This is a great day out where Grade 5/6 can connect with other students from Catholic schools.
The theme for 2024 is 'Joyful in Hope, Faithful in Prayer' which embodies our commitment to upholding Catholic values while nurturing a spirit of optimism and resilience among our staff and students. Catholic education has supported Tasmanian families for nearly 200 years.

Family Breakfast:
Catholic Education Week Family Breakfast is on next week, Tuesday 13th August. All family members are welcome to come including Grandparents. Look forward to seeing you all.

New Staff:
Welcome to Jacob Bester our new Utility Officer. Please say hello if you see him around the school.
Upcoming Dates: