FYI 27/6/2024
Parent-Teacher Conversations:
Mid-Year Report- Friday 28th June
The Mid-year Report will be available for Prep-Grade 6 parents/carers from 3pm on Friday 28th June via Compass. Results on the Mid-year report is based on the work students have completed so far this year. Parents/Carers can access Seesaw at any time to view samples of student work and progress.
Parent/Teacher Conversations- Monday 1st July- Thursday 4th July
Parent/Teacher Conversations will be held at school during the final week of Term 2. They will be held from Monday 1st July through until Thursday 4th July. Conversations can be booked online in Compass from 3.30pm on Friday 28th June. Parents/Carers are encouraged to make their bookings early, as the appointment schedule will be more convenient the earlier you go online. All learning conversations will be 10 minutes duration and it is important that teachers and parents/carers adhere to the interview booking schedule.
If you encounter any problems accessing Compass please contact Jayne or Maree in the office, or myself and we can assist.
Deputy Principal,
Michelle Donohoe

Curious Kids:

Upcoming Dates:
Friday 28/6/2024: Friday Sport vs Evandale Primary School, at the Deloraine Football Ground.
Week 10:
Monday 1st - Thursday 4th July: Parent-Teacher Conversations.
Friday 5th July: Term 2 Concludes.