Newsletter 20/06/2024
From the Principal:
Road Safety:
Home Learning:
Learning Expo:
All Schools Cross Country:
Enrolments 2025:
Winter Wellness:
Children's University Holiday Program:
Parent Information Evening with Sue Langley:
Mercy Crew/ Vinnies Winter Relief Appeal:
Parent/Teacher Conversations:
Circus Across Tasmania Holiday Activity:
Parish Mass Times:
From the Principal:
Our Lady of Mercy, Deloraine is a Catholic school in the Mercy tradition which in all things seeks to be the heart and hands of Christ to the world.
In the Light of Christ, we provide a supportive learning environment where all may flourish.
Dear members of the OLOM community,
This week’s Gospel is one of the great nature miracles of Jesus – the calming of the storm. Some of you may be familiar with it. If not, have a read of it here.
Jesus Stills a Storm
On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, “Let us go across to the other side.” And leaving the crowd behind, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was. Other boats were with him. A great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that the boat was already being swamped. But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion, and they woke him up and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” And waking up, he rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Be silent! Be still!” Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm. He said to them, “Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?” And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”
Some scripture scholars suggest that this story could be a metaphor used by the gospel writer to speak to us in times of doubt and when things seem to be falling apart.
- The imagery of a boat adrift on the sea in the midst of an almighty storm.
At times in life we may feel that we have lost control of our situation and we are being blown from one ‘disaster’ to the next. - The cry of the disciples is our ‘cry’: ‘Master, do you not care?’
Perhaps we can feel that God does not care about the turmoil that may be surrounding us. - The gospel writer reassures us that God does care about our struggle but at the same time reminds us to have faith!
We use this great song ‘My Lighthouse’ at school which helps us understand this Gospel message. Why not have a look and listen with your child?
Warm regards,
Paul Mannion
Acting Principal
Last week we had a great whole school assembly with some class sharing from:
- Prep with their cardboard creations
- 5/6 with their perspective art
- Digital Technologies with their automated food bowls.
We also celebrated those students who received class awards for their learning and achievement in the classroom.
Students who have been making good choices and living out our school values were treated to morning tea with Paul and Michelle.

At Our Lady of Mercy, we show pride and belonging to our school by wearing the correct uniform on the correct days:
- Formal Uniform: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
- Sport Uniform: Wednesdays (PE), Friday Sport (Grade 5/6)
Only students participating in Friday Sport have an exemption to wear Sport Uniform on a Friday during Terms 2 and 3.
Please also note that accessories (i.e. hats, beanies, jackets), should only be school items. We will have some OLOM beanies arriving soon, but in the meantime, we have warm fleece beanies on sale for $5 from the office. New school beanies will be available Term 3, $20 each.
We thank parents/carers for your support in ensuring the correct uniform is worn. The full list of school uniform can be found on the school website here:

Road Safety:
Recently we observed National Road Safety Week which encourages all road users to reflect on how we can make our roads safer, and act to make a difference.
Road Safety is everyone’s business to ensure our children arrive to and from school safely. Therefore please observe the following:
- Slow down to 40 km/h around schools is the most effective way to reduce the risk of accidents.
- Cross at the designated crossing. We have a staff member on duty from 8.30am every morning to assist parents and students to cross the road safely. We ask that parents help us in educating the students about road safety by modelling this safe behaviour.
- Find safe places to park, and keep the bus zones clear at all times.
- Get your children out of the car on the kerb side.

If there is a variation to your child’s usual pick up arrangements, please communicate this through the office in advance by email. If on the day, please phone the office as sometimes in the busyness of the school day, emails may not get checked in time.
Personal devices (mobile phone, iPads, etc) must be left at the office during the school day and collected at the end of the day.
Smart watches must be placed into school mode or ‘airplane’ mode, so that there is no notifications during the school day to interrupt student and class learning.
Home Learning:
Home Learning (previously known as Homework!)
Lately, we have been reviewing our guidelines for home learning.
Please click here to access our updates to support you and your child to continue to thrive in their learning.
Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.
Learning Expo:
Don't forget our Learning Expo is on next week. This is a wonderful insight for parents/carers to see what your child is doing in class.

All Schools Cross Country:
On Tuesday 18th June, we sent a small, but enthusiastic group of our first Cross Country Team to participate in the Tasmanian All Schools Cross Country at Symmons Plains. Our team of hardworking athletes competed against runners from all schools from all over the state.
Congratulations to all the students who participated and for their willingness to step up and represent our school. We hope OLOM will have a larger representation in 2025!

Enrolments 2025:
Enrolments for Kindergarten are now open and are filling quickly. If you have a child, or you know someone who has a child born in 2020, please contact the school office for an enrolment pack. We now offer a 5-day Kindergarten at Our Lady of Mercy.
We also have spaces available in all other year levels.

Winter Wellness:

Children's University Holiday Program:

Parent Information Evening with Sue Langley:
ATTENTION PARENTS! Please join us for a free event that we strongly encourage all parents to attend. It is a parent information evening with CEO and Founder of the Langley Group, Sue Langley called Positive Psychology for Productive Parenting Practices.
Sue is global wellbeing speaker and thought-leader in positive psychology. She is an expert on the practical application of emotional intelligence, positive psychology and neuroscience. The evening is an opportunity for parents to explore positive parenting practices to be the best parents we can be to help our children be happy, resilient, and succeed in life. If you wish to learn more about Sue Langley's work, please access the following link:
This event is a collaboration between the Northern Catholic Schools, and has been funded by the parent engagement grants made available by the Tasmanian Catholic Schools Parents Council. It is being held at St Patrick's College on the evening of Tuesday 27th August, 2024.
Please access the link or QR code in the flyer to register your attendance. Places are limited!

Mercy Crew/ Vinnies Winter Relief Appeal:

It's time to clean out those cupboards. The Mercy Crew are collecting donations of warm clothing for those in our community that are in need. Warm blankets, coats, jumpers etc are all appreciated.
Parent/Teacher Conversations:
Mid-Year Parent/Teacher Conversations take place from the 1st July until the 4th July.

Circus Across Tasmania Holiday Activity:
DELORAINE - MVPAC (Little Theatre)Shows: Fri 19th + Sat 20th July, 6pm. Tickets here
Circus Across Tasmania strikes again! If you haven't already seen it all over our socials, we're hitting the road again in the July school holidays, this time in Lilydale, Georgetown and Deloraine.

Parish Mass Times: