Newsletter 16/11/2023
From the Principal:
Dear Parents and Carers,
On Monday evening Our Lady of Mercy received a 2023 Community Bank grant of $14,565 from Bendigo Bank. The bank facilitates a wide range of grants to assist charities and non-for-profit organisations invest back into local communities. Our grant was one of many grants gifted back into the local Deloraine and district areas.
Our grant is for the creation of a green garden space within our school. Our aim is to commence a planning stage, in consultation with students, ready for implementation at the start of the 2024 school year. We are very excited by this opportunity and look forward to being guided by the creativity of our students and teachers to create a sustainable and well utilised space that benefits all in our community.
Today our school turned blue to raise awareness of Diabetes. Wyatt Sloan and his mum, Bec, answered questions from our students about what it is like to live with Type 1 diabetes. The students were fascinated to learn about insulin and how it affects bodies. We spoke about how many of us have disabilities. Some may be permanent - diabetes, wearing of glasses because of poor eyesight, wearing of hearing aids because of poor hearing, or allergies to foods or insects. Somteimes medications are needed. We discussed how sometimes a disability is not permanent, like a broken arm, sore toe, etc. What we all recognised is that we are all different and that we all need to look out for each other and help one another in our school community.
This Saturday night three students, James Badcock, Liam Sloan and Oliver Brunner, will receive their First Communion at the 6pm Vigil Mass, 18th November at the Holy Redeemer. This will be followed by supper to celebrate with candidates and families. It would be wonderful to see you there. All welcome!
Mary Bennett

Important Dates:
Friday 17th November: Kinder Orientation Day 9:00-11:00am
Week 5:
Tuesday 21st November: NMPSSA Swimming Training at Hagley
Friday 24th November: Kinder Orientation Day 9:00-11:00am
Friday 24th November: Schools Triathlon Devonport
Week 6:
Monday 27th November: NMPSSA Swimming Carnival Hagley, 10:00am
Tuesday 28th November: Grade 5/6 Business Day
Tuesday 28th November: Deloraine High School Orientation Day
Thursday 30th November: Children's University Graduation Day 1:30pm
Thursday 30th November: St Patrick's College Orientation Day
Friday 1st December: Kinder Orientation Day 9:00-11:00am
Week 7:
Monday 4th December: End of Year Assembly, 1:30pm. Learning Expo 2:00pm
Tuesday 5th December: St Brendan-Shaw College Orientation Day
School Emergency Practice:
Emergency Practice
Within the next few days, while the students are at recess or lunch, we will hold an unannounced emergency practice with staff and students. This will test our response to a potential scenario or threat that may warrant a school lockdown (as opposed to a school evacuation).
As for fire evacuation drills, we recognise the importance of testing this process.
We will aim to minimise the disruption to our school day.
If you have queries please call our Safety Officer, Katie Gardner, on 0456 849 497.
Grade 3/4 Girls Basketball:
Last weekend students from Grade 3 and 4 participated in the Launceston Primary Schools Basketball Championship. Games were played on Saturday and Sunday around venues in Launceston. It was a great weekend and the girls all played well, showing sportmanship and fairness towards others. A huge shout out to Carmen Wadley for her team management and coaching, and all parents for their attendance and support.

Cultural Camp:
Last week, our Year 5/6 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students joined others from Sacred Heart Launceston and St Finn Barrs to travel to Triabunna/Trayapana for our 3 day cultural camp.
We were welcomed to country by Luke Mabb, our cultural sharer, learning about grounding to country and traditional bush tucker.
We spent some time in the horticultural centre, propagating oyster pine, sheoak, and Warragul greens (saltbush).
We were also very excited to be heading out to Maria Island, to learn of its long story and cultural significance.

OLOM's Got Talent:
Our Lady of Mercy held its annual OLOM's Got Talent this week. There was an array of hula hooping, singing, dancing and piano playing. Well done to the children who stood up and had a go, you were all very entertaining!

Square Pegs Meeting:

Christmas Food Drive:

Devonport Tennis Club: