FYI 9/11/2023
Important Dates:
Week 5:
Sunday 12th November 2:00-4:00pm: Parents Day Out Event
Monday 13th November: Prep-Grade 2 Fun Day at Mole Creek Primary School
Tuesday 14th November: Sunrise Bakery Orders due in
Friday 17th November 9:00-11:00am: Kindergarten Orientation Day 1
Week 6:
Tuesday 21st November: NMPSSA Swimming Training at Hagley
Friday 24th November: Kinder Orientation Day 2
Friday 24th November: Schools Triathlon Devonport
Week 7:
Monday 27th November 10:00am: NMPSSA Swimming Carnival at Hagley
Tuesday 28th November: Grade 5/6 Business Day Fair
Tuesday 28th November: Deloraine High School Orientation Day
Thursday 30th November: Children's University Graduation Day
Thursday 30th November: St Patrick's College Orientation Day
Friday 1st December: Kinder Orientation Day 3
Week 8:
Monday 4th December 1:30pm: End of Year Assembly
Tuesday 5th December: St Brendan-Shaw College Orienation Day
Wednesday 6th December: 1:00pm End of Year Concert
Grade 5/6 Basketball:
Our Lady of Mercy Grade 5/6 boys played in the Division 2 Launceston Primary School Championships last weekend, 28th and 29th October. The team came away with an incredible result! Equal third out of a total of 20 teams in their division. Even more impressive is the fact that 3 of these boys have never played competitive basketball before. A big thank you to Simone Arnold and Jayden Purdon for taking the time to coach the boys, Virgil for being a great assistant coach, and Mrs Wadley for organising the team.

Parents Day Out Event:

Sunrise Bakery Fundraiser:
A Friendly reminder that the Sunrise Bakery Fundraiser orders need to be at the school office by Tuesday 13th November with correct money please.

Wear It Blue Day:
Diabetes Awareness Day Tuesday 14th November. Students can wear casual clothes that are blue. There is no cost to this day.